Smock. Cotton smock with hemp skirt. Geometrical and floral designs embroidered on the collar, in front, on the sleeves, round front opening and in a lesser degree in the back. Embroidery on the sleeve: the “altita” (a piece at the top of the sleeve) is formed of two rows of rhombus embroidered inside a square and divided by two rows of tinsel; small triangles are inserted between them. The “puckers” are worked in yellow cotton thread (“tiriplic”). Two rows worked in yellow “key” stitch run down the length of the sleeve. The portion between these two rows is ornamented by a wider strip of geometrical designs (rhombi enclosed inside squares), on either side of which “pui” (small stylised flowers) run down the sleeve at some distance from one another. The sleeve ends in a narrow band, embroidered with small rhombi enclosed inside circles. Embroidery in front: simplified flowers are embroidered round the opening at the neck, followed by squares enclosing rhombi and a row of “pui”, small simplified flowers. (Homemade cotton fabric, cotton and hemp fabric for skirt of smock. Purchased coloured cotton thread, gold thread, tinsel, fine coloured woollen thread). Length of smock 1030mm, length of sleeve 820mm.