Twenty-five metal decorations for a child's hat. 1. A roughly semicircular plaque with 7 chains suspended, 4 terminating in bells, 3 in a shape like that of a fruit. Small ring at top. 2. 7 large and 3 smaller embossed plaques, 7 in the shape of a bearded human figure, 3 also human figures but without beards 3. 10 circular embossed discs, pierced, 6 with floral motifs at the centre, 4 with dragons. 4. Two plaques, each in the shape of a lion. 5. One plaque in the shape of a butterfly, with 3 chains suspended, 2 ending with bells, one with a fish shape. 6. One item made of wire shaped roughly like a safety pin, from which 3 chains are suspended, one ending with 2 bells, one with one bell, one with a fish shape.