Red cloth, pha yantra, with printed depictions of religious figures. Top row: to the left the Buddha seated under the Bodhi tree, raised on the back of the coiled Naga Mucilinda; at the centre a stupa with flags to either side; on right the Buddha with a flaming aureole. Second row a yaksha on the left wielding an axe; on the right a dancing apsara. Below this in the centre is a Buddha in meditation with a pair of dewata to either side; below this from left a kneeling western-looking female figure with left hand raised; a kneeling dewata holding a flower in her left hand; the figure of the goddess Withondara wringing her hair; and a kneeling western-looking female figure with scales in her right hand, as if representing justice in the European tradition. The bottom row is damaged at the left, at centre is a Yaksha head holding two swords, the body a magic diagram, between two double-tailed creatures; at right a tiger. Most of these figures are mounted on rectangular diagrams containing symbols and Burmese script. Burma.