playing card

One of a pack of Spanish playing cards, known as the Baraja Espanõla (Spanish Deck), with four suits: i. clubs, represented by sprouting cudgels. ii. coins, represented by a six- pointed star inside a spiked circle. iii. cups. iv. swords. This card is the Four of Coins. It depicts four coins, one in each corner of the card, with an anchor and caduceus (the staff of Hermes, entwined with two snakes and surmounted by wings) in the centre.

There are two extra cards in the pack, bearing the maker's name, 'Naipes Heraclio Fournier', and place of manufacture ('Vitoria Espana'), and a picture of the factory. The maker's name is also found on some of the aces. The reverse of each card bears a complicated line design in blue.

Collection Information

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