Dark wood Engawua (bow), with hide string. The object was made by Maasai adults to accompany young warriors, perhaps for training purposes
Research by 'Rethinking Relationships' project researcher, Ken Simiyu: This is a maasai object known as Embae (arrow), Engawua (Bow). The object was made by adults in accompany of young warrior perhaps for training purposes. There are two versions, the larger bow, quivers and smaller versions meant for younger members of community. Though it is believed that the smaller versions was used for hunting small game such as rabbit and birds, though the truth is that they were meant for training young warriors for target, precision and accuracy. This was in readiness as future defenders of the community against external intrusion. The bows and arrows must be used together. None can perform function without another. This is because the bow acts as a trigger while the arrow is the bullet, though used during war times, young warriors used to practice on daily basis.