Two Tibetan Buddhist manuscripts in two bundles totalling 55 separate sheets. Hand written on paper in Tibetan cursive script. The texts are ritual texts. No (i) focusses on a Tantric deity HEVAJRA. The title page at the start of no (ii), which may not be only one text, states that it is a prayer to the gurus of the LAM 'BRAS lineage of the Saskya pa school of Tibetan Buddhism. The writing is various types of Tibetan cursive scripts. The text is in larger, the notes in smaller script. The title on the title page reads: lam 'bras bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs brag phug pas ... The pages of (ii) are out of order and the complete text may not be present; the pages may come from more than one text. The handwriting is of good quality. No. (ii) probably belonged to a lama of fairly high rank as it is stamped with the owner's own stamp.
Hevajra (Skt.; Tib. ཀྱཻ་རྡོ་རྗེ་, Kyedorje; Wyl. kyai rdo rje) is one of the principal yidam deities of Anuttarayoga Tantra, practised by the Sarma schools of Tibetan Buddhism and especially the Sakya school. This particular text is written in a beautiful Tibetan script called U-med sug thung with annotations and a lot of abbreviations. This scripture is very likely to be from a Sakya monastery or estate belonging to the Sakyapa sect of Tibetan Buddhism.