Emmanuel Nnakenyi Arinze


Emmanuel Arinze was an eminent Nigerian anthropologist. He conducted research in the Igbo region around Achalla on Ijele masquerades. On behalf of the Horniman Museum, he commissioned an Ijele to be made as the centre piece for the Horniman's African Worlds exhibition. He was president of numerous museological organisations such as AFRICOM and at the time of his death he worked as Executive Director of the National Council for Arts and Culture.

Brief biography

anthropologist (1945-2005)

Collection Information

These objects are only a part of our collections, of which there are more than 350,000 objects. This information comes from our collections database. Some of this is incomplete and there may be errors. This part of the website is also still under construction, so there may be some fields repeated or incorrectly formatted information.

The database sometimes uses language taken from historical documents to help research, which may now appear outdated and even offensive. The database also includes information on objects that are considered secret or sacred by some communities.

If you have any further information about objects in our collections or can suggest corrections to our information, please contact us: enquiry@horniman.ac.uk