Carved wooden mask of a lion with open jaws and large canines painted white in upper and lower jaws. Large bulging black and white eyes, integral ears, mane carved deeply and painted reddish brown as are the gums and tongue; the rest of the mask painted dar greenish colour, with rows of parallel black lines in grooves around edge of mouth. LN 33 written in back. Blue-green tie-on label reads: 'FELINE ANIMAL (USED IN EPICS)' Wellcome label has number 190567.
‘Wellcome’ catalogue card information found in archives of the Department of Africa, Oceania and The Americas at The British Museum on 5 October 2016 by Alison South. Scanned copy of card in ‘Wellcome’ section of the Horniman Historical files Accessions No. 190567 Classification K Group Section MK Initials in top right hand corner W.H.M.M. Description MASK Carved wood; painted; grotesque animal head. 11 ½� x 9 ½�. Ceylon Acquisition St: 760/26&27/viii/30 (Mr Webb) Placed Case No. J.P.