
Natural trumpet in D. Two bows, connecting two yards and bell branch. A plain ball (pommel) on the bell branch. Bell and mouthpipe braced with a wooden block bound with red and yellow cord (possibly original). The mouthpiece is not original. An eyelet is on each bow, carried on a saddle. Very minor denting. Lacks a shank. Stamped: Johann Wilhelm Haas Nurnberg. Engraved, with representation of a hare, on bell garland.

The natural trumpet has long been associated with royalty in many countries. Large groups of trumpeters accompanied royal and church pageantry. Renaissance and Baroque composers often wrote for trumpets by dividing them up, and positioning them around the large spaces where the works were performed. In so doing, composers were able to create dramatic effects in their music such as dialogue, echo and contrasting dynamics. This trumpet and 14.5.47/294 are almost certainly the products of the same workshop, despite the inscriptions.

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