A pair of ear ornaments for a man. Both the ear ornaments consist of a bamboo ear plug with a suspended hair pendant, with strings of beads, alternating red and black tufts of hair, plaited cane, and a black tuft of hair.
See a photograph of similar ear ornaments worn by Konyak men, the photograph probably taken in the 1930s, in: Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1976. Return to the naked Nagas: an anthropologist's view of Nagaland 1936-1970. London: John Murray In this edition there is one set of black and white plates in the middle. The photograph is captioned: 'Shankok cutting his brother’s hair against the sharp edge of a dao'. Both have these type of earrings, and the younger has two in one ear. Shankok is also mentioned on page 63 in text.