Glove puppet with a central wooden rod. The puppet is of a bride; it can be used in a number of puppet plays. The puppet is a tall figure of a young woman who has a white complexion; wide eyes; a full red mouth; long, black, plaited hair and two "kiss-curls" and unjoined, heavy eyebrows. She is wearing a low hat, doppe, which has an ornate band, gold frontal and maroon top and is stitched with white thread and a flower motif. A white, lacy veil is attached to the hat as is a band of black, green, red, yellow, blue and white braid. This braid is also used as a choker; it is the curator/collector's impression that it such braid is being found on chokers more frequently. She also wears a three-quarter length coat made from synthetic, floral-patterned, orange and gold fabric. This is trimmed with the same braid already mentioned. The front opening is partly faced with a wide golden band as well as the braid. Underneath the coat, she wears a plain, beige, cotton shift.