421.121.12 Open side-blown flutes with fingerholes

Flute. Eight keys, designed to be played with foot to player's left-hand side. Ivory. Nickel silver ferrules and block mounted keys. Keys have domed saltspoon cups with stuffed leather pads. Six tone holes. Five joints. Removable end cap with screw fitting to head joint. Nickel silver plaque on barrel joint carries the engraved inscription: No Flute is genuine That/is not bought at Mr. L Drouet's/Manufactory/No 23 Conduit Street Bond Street/& accompanied with a Certificate/under his hand.; Other inscriptions are made up of tiny nickel studs inset into the body. Head joint inscription: L.DROUET/LONDON/41; Upper joint inscription: 41/L.DROUET/LONDON/23 CONDUIT St./BOND St.; Lower joint and foot joint inscriptions: 41/L.DROUET/LONDON

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