
Flute. R.S. Pratten Perfected model. Cylindrical bore. Simple system fingering with high C touchpiece for thumb duplicating right hand key, C/D trill key. Three joints. Area around embouchure is engraved with a repeated floral design. Body joint is stamped: BOOSEY & Co/24.HOLLES ST/LONDON/8478./R.S.PRATTEN'S./PERFECTED

This cylindrical bore flute with its large tone holes was designed to compete with instruments being produced by Theobald Boehm. Like the Boehm flutes, the 'Pratten Perfected' model had a superior tone to earlier simple system instruments. However, unlike the Boehm system, the Pratten key configuration was closely modelled on earlier systems, meaning that players were not required to learn new fingerings. Pratten flutes were an important early success for Boosey's musical instrument arm and helped the company to establish itself in this market. The workshop order book for this instrument reads: 'Date: 1869; No. of instrument: 8478; Description: Sil. metal flute.'

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