Wayang wong mask, tapel, depicting Kumbakarna. Mask carved from pule wood, with upward pointing nose above prominent jaws and furrowed ridge running vertically above nose to forehead. Mouth open with very long curved canine in upper and lower jaw to each side; aperture below large round shining eyes, inset with glas or similar material. Face painted cream with black, red, gold and white details; pink gums and inside nostrils. A gold painted integral ear pendant at each earlobe. Facial hair indicated around the mouth in black paint with gold stripes. To the side of the mouth and above the brow are flame-shaped leather pieces painted red pink and cream. Headdress of carved and painted leather with coronet and at rear a garuda element. Carved wooden crown painted red and gold has a band around the centre, painted jewels indicated in various colours around the top, surmounted by a gold painted finial. Pompom of red wool fixed to either side of the mask above the ears. Hook for hanging at rear of xrown. Signed by the maker on the inside.