One of a pair of leggings, setewel, for Telek dance costume. Made from a panel of black velvet, curved at the edges and tapered towards the bottom. The lower part has a more or less triangular piece of red velvet overlaid, the point facing upwards. Both sections are decorated with gold-coloured beads, ric-rac, sequins and artificial gemstones. The black upper section has main motifs formed of gold-coloured beads consisting of a row of dentate shapes along the upper edge, and two five petalled floral shapes, one to each side. The lower red section has an echoing row of smaller dentate shapes along the bottom edge, with part of a floral shape at the centre above it. Rows of ric-ric and gold-coloured braid above meet at a point at the centre. The legging is secured by eight purple buttons at either side, round which a length of string is wound.