421.141.12 Open single notch flutes with fingerholes

One kena, notch flute, of 'mama kena' bamboo, inscribed in black ink above the first fingerhole: 'Miguel Principe M.H./ 18/9/97 4409/7/ LIMA PERU'. Six fingerholes, one thumbhole above the level of the first fingerhole. Glued splits between the fingerholes. Three woven striped textile rings encircle instrument 30mm below notch, between second and third fingerhole, and above distal end. Tied over the textile ring between the second and third fingerholes, and possibly concealing a repair, is a watana, a length of woven braid with red tassels, made in Ayachucho Province circa 1960, using a weaving technique derived from Inca techniques, with representations of humans and alpacas, and other forms of life in the Andes.

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