Chromatica Bass 265 E harmonica. The top cover plate inscribed 'M.' (star symbol) 'HOHNER'S CHROMATÍCA/F F#Gb G#Ab A#Bb B(H) C#Db D#Eb F F#Gb G#Ab A#Bb B(H) C#Db D#Eb/E F G A B(H) C D E F G A B(H) C D E (all note names in circles). The bottom cover plate inscribed and stamped: 'M.' (star symbol) 'HOHNER'S CHROMATÍCA/TRADE MARK' (with trade mark symbol and prize symbols for four trade exhibitions in 1927, 1926, 1937 and 1898)/MADE IN GERMANY M.HOHNER FABRIQUE EN ALLEMAGNE/No265'. Two octaves, E to E. Octave Tuned. 59 holes - two hinged rows of reeds - lower row E and top row Gb gives all perfect fifths.