A basket for carrying objects on the back. The frame is made of two longitudinal sections of rattan formed into a cross for the base and four vertical ribs. The ribs and base are bound at intervals to woven walls which rise from the flat square base widening to meet at the top a circular rattan hoop to which they are attached. The twill weave has patterning all over the basket, formed both in the weave and with red and black dyes painted on the exterior. There is a narrow band of scrolling along the top edge and some horizontal stripes and a row of zigzags at bottom; between these are bold curved and geometrical patterns in bands which meander across the surface. The top edge is reinforced with a second narrower hoop attached to the first by regular binding. 20 mm or so from the top of the basket, two adjacent ribs have plaited loops attached, through which a strap would have been inserted.