Miniature cannon, 'bedil gargabus' type, cast brass or bronze. Wide rounded muzzle decorated with eight-petalled floral shape on exterior and long petal-shaped bands on the outside of the mouth end leading to the muzzle itself. Two raised bands round the barrel, behind these petal shapes. Behind these bands are 8(?) bamboo shoot (pucuk rebung) motifs pointing towards the breach end. There is a sangka, a long pin attached by a swivel to projecting lugs on both sides of the lower barrel, which enables the cannon to be set in a hole. This has 4-petalled floral shapes to either side, above a leaf shape. In front of the sangka there is a raised band round the barrel, in front of which are a further 8(?) bamboo shoot shapes around the barrel. The lower barrel is faceted, with 8 flat sides. The breach is surrounded by a band of petal-shaped decorations and a further band of 8 bamboo shoot motifs pointing towards the muzzle. The gaganok is cylindrical, with plain raised decorative bands towards the breach and a small attachment on the left hand side (looking towards the muzzle) of uncertain function. There is a sight (pistaran) above the muzzle and another mid-way along the lower barrel, with four petals around it. Along the top of the lower barrel is also a band of raised floral decoration, and on either side of this two pairs of 'bunga madu kasirat' (See diagram in Fig IV of Shariffuddin's article. See note.) To either side of the touch hole are 2 lugs, or 'gargasa'. A wooden display stand with a hole for the sangka and 4 feet screwed in.