

Gautrot-Marquet was a successor of Gautrot aîné. It produced woodwind and brass instruments and was founded by Pierre Louis Gautrot (d.1882) in Paris. The company and factory was one of the largest in Europe by 1846, and pioneered the use of steam power.

The company opened up branches all over Europe and even in New York. A second factory was established in Chateau-Thierry in 1855 and a third, producing string instruments in Mirecourt.
Gautrot had several legal disputes with A. Sax.

The firm's trade name was changed to Gautrot-Marquet in 1875, and to Gautrot aîné-Durand & Cie. in 1877. Finally, in 1883 Couesnon purchased the firm.

Brief biography

instrument maker firm (1875-1877)

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