
Bassoon, maple except for wing which is a substitute. Eleven brass keys, round, cupped, mounted in saddles except for the two thumb keys on the wing and B flat on the butt which are on pillars. Keys include B flat for right third finger (later addition), rollered F and G sharp and crook-key linked to thumb keys on wing. Crook of plated brass is not original. Metal ferrule to bass joint lower tenon. Length overall is 125.8 cm. Length of wing and butt is 87.7 cm. Damaged woodwork. Bell tenon chipped. Inscription on brass mount at top of butt: Savary fils je/Arte facr d'insns Eléve/du Conservatoire/de Musique/Rue de Bussy, No.15, FB St. Gin à Paris. Inscription at top of butt: Savary fils (with two sun marks). 1829 inscribed on butt below attachment point for sling.

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