Frame for a headdress of crescent-shaped form, made of vegetable strips. The strips are placed parallel to each other and bound together with various vegetable materials to form a flat, horseshoe-like shape. The headdress would be set with a great number of white ahea (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita) feathers at two sides of the crescent, with an empty space on top of the headdress on which two barega (Blyth’s Hornbill, Rhyticeros plicatus) feathers are flexibly mounted.
There are 21 feathers with the headdress: 15 yellow-white cockatoo feathers, four red and black feathers, and two long hornbill feathers with part of the quill cut away to make them flexible. There are also two thin sticks with downy white feathers bound to the tips.