Sixteen-keyed clarinet in C. Index card reads: Inscribed on plate " Royal Italian Opera 2". Sixteen white metal keys, round, shallow-cupped, mounted on pillars. Simple F sharp/C sharp. Long keys (both sides) and throat register A key. Red cocus, varnished. Wooden mouthpiece, screw ligature cap. Secure joints and check pads. Generally in good order and easily made playable. Spring to B flat vent key missing. Adjust long F sharp/C sharp to clear E/B key. Spring of R.H. key defective. An additional vent key is coupled to the throat register A key. The E flat/B flat key is fitted with duplicate touches (cross and side). A miniature open-key system for L.H. fingers 2 and 3 provides full venting of this part of the compass, and a similar mechanism for R.H. fingers 2 and 3 provides a fully vented B flat/F. The body from socket to bell is in one piece. (Compare Day's 1890 exhibition catalogue no. 260)