Ever wondered how to lift a one-ton Walrus?

The Horniman Walrus made his way to Margate in 2013 to feature in the Hayward Touring exhibition Curiosity: Art & The Pleasures of Knowing at Turner Contemporary.

Our famously over-stuffed walrus, weighing in at just under one ton, has been in our Natural History Gallery since 1901. Since then, he hasn’t moved more than 25 feet, so getting him out and on his way to the coast is a huge task for museum staff to organise.

Our conservation department has been working with specialist art handlers to ensure the move goes as smoothly as possible. Preparations are under way: the Walrus has already received his annual clean, and the larger pieces of his iceberg are being moved away.

The biggest challenge is the need to lift the Walrus out of the gallery over the other cases. The Natural History Gallery will be closed to the public next week while this is happening, but we’ve put together some simple sketches to help you picture what will happen.

The Walrus will be lifted on Monday 13 and will leave the Museum on Wednesday 15 May. The Natural History Gallery will be closed throughout, so this week is your last chance to wave goodbye and wish him well on his holiday. He’ll return to the Museum in September.

Be sure to follow the Walrus’ journey on Twitter, and keep an eye on our website, as we’ll be live-blogging throughout. You can even catch up with the Walrus’ own comments @HornimanWalrus.