Back for a second year, the Great Walrus Tea Party invites people to gather their family, friends and colleagues for a virtual or in-person (socially distanced) tea party, in support of the Horniman Museum and Gardens – a much loved local attraction and home to the infamous stuffed walrus.
Whether you’re a brilliant baker, a keen cake decorator or simply an enthusiastic eater, register today to join in the Great Walrus Tea Party fun. 2021 is our 120th anniversary and this year, more than ever, the walrus needs your help.
The Museum is currently closed due to pandemic restrictions and, while we hope to reopen in May, we anticipate a shortfall over this financial year of over £1million in self-generated income, compared to pre-pandemic levels.

If you love the walrus and the Horniman Museum and Gardens as much as I do, why not join in by hosting a Great Walrus Tea Party?
Bake your walrus-themed cakes and invite your friends along to have fun and raise some money.
Every penny will help the Horniman inspire future generations of London’s families and schoolchildren to love and protect nature.
Great Walrus Tea Party participants receive a free online fundraising pack of information, walrus-themed recipes and activities, and plenty of tips to host their tea party. Sign up for your pack at horniman.ac.uk/walrusteaparty or email teaparty@horniman.ac.uk.