A.E. Pennington


Anne Elizabeth Pennington, academic, was one of the foremost British Slavists of her generation. She was educated, was one of the foremost British Slavists of her generation. She was educated at the Simon Langton Girl' Grammar School, Canterbury before attending Lady Margaret Hall College, Oxford to read French and Russian in 1952. Pennington achieved a first in the subjects in 1955 and obtained a diploma in Slavonic studies the following year before embarking on her doctorial thesis on the language of Kotoshshikhin (recieved in 1964). She was appointed fellow and tutor of Slavonic languages at Lady Margaret Hall and spent more than twenty years at the College as tutor and later Dean of Graduates.

Pennington's scholarly activities were concentrated in two main areas: the history of the Russian language and Slavonic musical manuscripts. Her later career also saw her collect and translate Serbian and Macedonian poetry. Alongside her academic position, she edited the Oxford Slavonic Peprs and was one of the Birtish members of the International Committee of Slavists.

She travelled extensively, especially in Slavonic countries, and she used her visits to both collect recordings of Yugoslavian folk music and Balkan Slavonic folk costumes which were later donated to the Horniman museum in 1981.

Brief biography


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