You will need:
- Card
- Pencil
- Scissors
- 100g salted butter
- 3 tbsp golden syrup
- 100g dark muscovado sugar
- 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 1 tbsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 225g plain flour
- Glacier mints
- Coloured icing
Step one
Draw and cut out your walrus silhouette, including a heart shaped hole in the middle and two triangles for tusks.
Maybe use our own Horniman Walrus as inspiration?
Step two
Heat the butter, sugar, syrup and sugar together in a small saucepan until melted. Leave to cool slightly.
Step three
In a separate bowl mix together bicarbonate of soda, ginger, cinnamon and flour. Add the buttery mixture and stir. Use your hands to bring it all together until you have a dough.
Chill in the fridge for an hour.
Step four
Preheat your oven to 190C / 170C fan /gas 5.
Roll your dough out until the thickness of a pound coin.
Step five
Using your walrus silhouette, cut out your shapes. In the heart shaped hole put a glacier mint – any colour you like! Chop up another glacier mint into small pieces to become the tusks.
Place your walrus shapes on a baking tray. They will spread slightly as they cook so make sure there is space between them.
Cook for 10-12 minutes.
Step six
Once cooled slightly, use coloured icing to create eyes and a muzzle for your walrus.
Eat and enjoy!
Inspired by this gingerbread recipe.
Sign up to the Great Walrus Tea Party

Great Walrus Party 2020, Emily Lovell
Throw a tea party on 29 June to celebrate the Horniman Museum’s 120th birthday!
Every day the Museum was closed due to the Covid-19 crisis meant that we lost vital income needed to help care for our animals and aquarium residents and to continue to maintain our Gardens and all our Collections.
By hosting a Great Walrus Tea Party and raising some much-needed money, you can help the Horniman to continue being there for the local community as a resource of inspiration and lifelong learning, all whilst enjoying some fabulous cakes!
Find out more, including how to sign up and get your fundraising pack.