Black stone guardian figure standing on a plinth, with his left arm down to his side, and the right arm raised but with forearm missing. The legs are set against a stele. The face has large staring eyes, almost round, with a pronounced moustache and a circular raised feature in the centre of the forehead. The pointed nose is fine and sharply pointed, the mouth small and smiling. The ear lobes are elongated. On the head is a tall, tiered crown, which is square at the base and round on the upper tiers, ending with a sphere at the top. From the sides of the crown fall curls of hair. A medallion hangs from a multi-banded neck collar, above a leaf-shaped pendant. There is an epaulette on the left shoulder, and a bracelet around the upper arm and above the wrist on both arms.
A long garland runs from the right shoulder, swinging away from the body, looping round above the knees, and ending at the belt on the left side. Around the waist is a three-stranded belt with a knife in it on the right front. The sandals each have a large spherical piece between the big toe and the next one.