Woman's cambric smock, hemd. Smock cut from straight pieces of material, gathered in at the neck. The gathered sleeve starts 30mm from the neck ending in a puckered cuff. The petticoat of the smock is made out of thicker cotton material, woven in a 2 thread pattern. A band of white embroidery, called “geroisch”, resembling a smocking, surrounds the neck; it is 70mm wide in front and 30mm wide at the back. Between the front and the back smocking, a piece of material, 30mm wide and 70mm long, embroidered with a zigzag design, is inserted over the shoulder. The sleeve, similarly puckered, is fixed on this piece of material by a chain stitch (“uschtreken”). Along a distance of 230mm the sleeve is joined together, both in front and behind, with chainstitching. At the wrist the material is smocked with black and white thread, edged by a small band embroidered with a black floral design stitched out in small crosses. (White cambric, thick cotton material, white and black cotton thread). Length 1000mm, width 1820mm.