Uncle Abanazar

Glove puppet with central rod. Puppet is of "Uncle Abanazar" in the "Aladdin" story.

The puppet has large eyes and a large nose; grey eyebrows; 'mutton-chop' whiskers and a 'mesmerising' expression. He is wearing a tall, black, pointed hat which has brown and white bands around it. He is also wearing a plain red robe which has a blue-lined opening; both fabrics are synthetic. (NB: The robe appears to be reversed - the openings are generally at the front.)

This puppet (as mentioned) is one of several (2001.184; 2001.185; 2001.186; 2001.187; 2001.188) which are used in the "Aladdin" story. The "Aladdin" puppets from Samarkand are different to "Aladdin" puppets from Khiva however. The differences may reflect greater European and Russian influences.

The local name for puppet in Samarkand is KUGURUK.

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