Drabinka (Russian), scraped idiophone. A cuboid block of light coloured wood with chamfered edges. The upper surface has twelve lateral V-shaped troughs cut to create eleven lateral ridges of uneven width. A resonating chamber (depth: 51 mm, width: 205 mm, height: 11 mm) is cut into one of the longer sides with parallel upper and lower edges and curved ends. The stick (2003.310.1) is a stridulator for running across the ridges on the upper surface. At the proximal end, the stick is square in cross section and the proximal surface is slightly domed. The stick is tapered towards the distal end, which terminates in an almost flat, curved edge. The stick is unvarnished. Made at the PRD "muzrem" factory in Minsk.
In the Polish language, 'drabinka' means 'small ladder'.