
Dark grey velvet hat for child, probably boy, with gathered opening at top of the crown and two horns. The front has a padded tiger mask of orange silk with ears and teeth, topped by two pink wool pompoms. Below it are two rows of silver plate amulets and bosses. Five appliquéd fabric pieces on side and back of the brim with two circles embroidered with pink flowers, two yin-yang symbols and a flower design. Edged with white and blue cotton. Lined with light blue cotton.

Children wear hats of this type to ward off evil spirits, as the amulets and tiger mask can protect the children from them. See p. 274 & 360, Guo li li shi bo wu guan (1990), 'Zhongguo shao shu min zu fu shi (Costumes and accessories of Chinese minorities)', Taipei: Guo li li shi bo wu guan bian ji wei yuan hui.

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