
Cornet. Brass tubing with silver plating. Three Périnet valves configured as a double principle compensating system. One shank. Mouthpiece missing. Socket for music card holder. Bell is stamped: CLASS A/BOOSEY/PATENT/COMPENSATING PISTONS/BOOSEY & Co./MAKERS/295 REGENT STt./LONDON/51764; A floral engraving surrounds the bell inscription. Second valve casing is stamped: TRADE MARK/PATENT; Above this inscription is a diamond shape containing the letters P C and a pattern of small circles. The valve cluster serial number 43875 is also stamped on the second valve casing. The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are stamped on the valve casings and caps of the first, second and third valves respectively.

The workshop order book entry for this instrument reads: Date given out: 7th Feb. 1898; Date received: 14th Feb. 1898; No. of piston: 43878; No. of instrument: 51764; Description: B flat cornet (large thin bell and thin wire); Model: A7; Charged to Regent Street: 6th April 1898; Given to polish: 18th Feb. 1898; Workman's name: Newry; The cornet was one of an order of 6, and the order book records that the full order required 138 man-hours and incurred a total wage bill of £5.3s.6d.

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