Cigarette card with a colour image of a man carrying numerous pots and a hammer in one hand entitled 'A Brass Pott or an Iron Pott to mend' . Text on reverse reads: ' The travelling tinker, with his loud cry, “Have you any work for the tinker?” reminds us of the greatest of all the tinkers, John Bunyan, the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, who plied his trade through the streets of Bedford about 1640. An old play of that period has preserved for us the quaint rhyming call of the tinker: “Any work for the tinker? Old brass, old pots, old kettles. I’ll mend them all with a
Tara-tink,And never hurt your metals.” ' Number 10 in a set of 25 cigarette cards entitled 'Cries of London'. Issued by John Player & Sons, a branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd.