Prayer flag depicting a sutra text.
Each corner of this prayer flag is printed with an image of tiger, lion, garuda and dragon respectively, as is common in Lung ta or horizontally strung prayer flags. The prayer printed on this example is the most popular version, printed and reprinted by most Tibetan Buddhists on flags which are intended either to be strung horizontally (Lung ta) or to be hoisted up vertically (Darchor) on tall vertical poles and standards in the courtyards of domestic residence, offices, monasteries, on rooftops, on mountains, crest of hills, bridges etc... . Both sorts of prayer flags (Lung ta and Darchor) are flown essentially to ward off negative forces and unwanted spirits and harm and to seek positive blessings such as longevity, freedom from illness, harm, prosperity, success etc... The concluding lines of the text printed on this flag bear the following lines, dedicated by the flag’s sponsor: “May the sole Divinity of the Land of Snow live long and enjoy fulfilment in all his endeavours, and may there be peace in the world”. The ‘sole Divinity of the Land of Snow’ references His Holiness the Dalai Lama.