
Model of Tywi (Towy) coracle from west Wales, of a type made by fishermen to supplement their income. The coracle is essentially a fishing craft and is used for net fishing on the rivers Tywi, Teifi and Taf. The Tywi coracle is normally constructed of an interwoven framework of ash ribs with a top weave of willow; the framework is then covered with calico which is pitched and tarred.

Model of Tywi (Towy) coracle from west Wales, probably made by fishermen to supplement their income. The coracle is essentially a fishing craft and is used for net fishing on the rivers Tywi, Teifi and Taf. The Tywi coracle is constructed of an interwoven framework of ash ribs with a top weave of willow; framework is then covered with calico which is pitched and tarred. In earlier times coracles were covered with animal skins. Coracle fishing dates back to the early Britions – first recorded by the Romans.

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