water cooler

Circular cork water cooler, (botijo), surrounded by two wide circular brass bands and three brass sections on the side. On top there is a brass handle as well as a brass opening with an attached stopper, which has a conical lid, the latter decorated with bands of concentric circles. There is also a small brass mouthpiece with a brass lid attached by means of a chain.

Handwritten label in historical files reads: 'A Botijo or Moorish water cooler, only made at Saguntum (now called Murviedio) near Valencia in Spain. [NB Now the Camp de Morvedre. FK] The contents are poured into the mouth from the small pipe, without touching the lips.' Another label in the same file reads: 'From Dr Sieveking. A.J.R. Trendall Esq. South Kensington Museum. 'Mr Wallis' is also written on this label.

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