headdress (clothing: headwear)

Girl's headband of silk satin stiffened with cardboard, lined with pink tabby-woven fabric. A pale purple damask section is bordered by two wide bands of black satin with embroidered floral scrolls and insect designs in green and purple silk thread. Towards the end of each side is an appliqué floral motif of green and orange satin with curvilinear embroidery, also a black cloud-like design embroidered with curvilinear decoration and an endless knot. The headband fastened with two cords, one with a Chinese copper alloy coin attached, the other with a loop. The coin has a square hole in the middle, and is inscribed with the reign title of Qing emperor Jiaqing, 1796-1820. The reverse features Manchu script.

worn in informal occasions

Collection Information

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