Band Instrument Stock Book

Brass, reed, flute, 1882-1885.

All woodwinds are recorded either in the "Flute" or the "Reed Instruments" sections.
Lists date, serial number, description and model, date sold, customer.
Each section gives year by year: stock at January 1 (ordered by model number), instruments previously listed but not completed by December 31 (ordered by serial number), new stock throughout year (ordered by serial number). The book starts with 36½ pages stocktaking of brass instruments at 1 Jan 1882.

On 21 Nov 1882, several instruments were entered "returned from Kelly & Welsh, Shanghai".

New stock added: Brass instruments 26741-28180, Jan-Dec 1882
New stock added: Flutes 11451-11664, Jan-Dec 1882
New stock added: Reed Instruments 6725-7210, Jan-Dec 1882
New stock added: Brass instruments 28181-29662, Jan-Dec 1883
New stock added: Flutes 11665-12019, Jan-Dec 1883
New stock added: Reed Instruments 7211-7527, Jan-Dec 1883
New stock added: Brass instruments 29663-30895, Jan-Dec 1884
New stock added: Flutes 12020-12344, Jan-Dec 1884
New stock added: Reed Instruments 7528-7929, Jan-Dec 1884
New stock added: Brass instruments 30896-32097, Jan-Dec 1885
New stock added: Flutes 12345-12613, Jan-Dec 1885
New stock added: Reed Instruments 7930-8245, Jan-Dec 1885

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