321.321 Necked bowl lutes

Milanese mandolin. The location on this record is incorrect, it should read 17, C, 1
20.1969 x 5.1181 x 3.0709 in.
Description from Percy Bull catalogue p.22: 'MANDOLIN with fluted back, neck and front inlaid with ivory and ebony.' There is a pencilled number '73' preceding this description. There is no drawing. There is no mention of this particular instrument in the History Files for 1948 (nor any particular instrument. All the material relates to the acquisition of the whole collection.) Intriguingly, there is no card in the card box for this instrument. The front has the initials 'T.L.' carved into the front below the bridge. MW met with Davide Rebuffa on 17 November14 who made several other observations. The instrument was probably originally a straightforward five course lute since the bridge only has holes for 10 strings although there are 11 tuning pegs. The topmost tuning peg looks like an addition and presently has no string associated with it.

Collection Information

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