Taxidermy case of ten hybrid finches by Edward Hart.
Taxidermy case of ten hybrid finches. According to Edward Hart, writing on 18 April 1927, 'Hybrid finches - (no 1): Goldfinch and Linnet, Juvenile, October 1911; (no 2): Goldfinch and Redpoll, juvenile, November 1907; (no 3): Canary and Linnet, adult, October 1911; (no 4): Goldfinch and Redpoll, juvenile, September 1907; (no 5): Goldfinch and Canary, adult, December 1912; (no 6): Goldfinch and Redpoll, adult, November 1911; (no 7): Linnet and Greenfinch, juvenile, October 1912; (no 8): Goldfinch and Greenfinch, juvenile female, November 1911; (no 9): Goldfinch and Greenfinch, adult male, March 1912; (no 10): Goldfinch and Bullfinch, adult male, December 1915. These hybrids were bred in captivity by Mr W. Barron of Christchurch 1907, 1911, 1912. Throughout the list of parents the names of the males are given first and the females second. Mounted by me'.